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Ticino Welcome °69 - March - May 2021, LOCATION, PRICE, QUALITY: WHAT IS A PRIORITY?

Ticino Welcome °69 - March - May 2021


Position. Position. Location. We have heard this expression many times to indicate the most important factors to take into account when buying a house. We could call it a sort of Holy Grail, which all estate agents must respect when they are busy looking for the best properties to offer their clients. A statement that seems to us to be very sensible. However, since we don't want to offer you only obvious considerations today, let us present you with some arguments to challenge this point: i.e. position. Let us consider the triad: Price. Price. Price! It also sounds like the main consideration for buyers looking for a house. Or: Quality. Quality. Quality! Again, this could be the number one criterion to focus on to facilitate the search for one's dream home. The reality is that each of the three references: location, price and quality is an important parameter and should be considered in the selection process. In a nutshell, the success of a search is to be able to offer your client the best house in terms of construction, at the best price and in the best location. However, it is a pity that the ideal package does not exist and those who are influenced by too many requests risk losing sight of the most important criteria. Therefore, at some point, you will have to compromise and set your priorities. These priorities are based on one's own needs, wishes and means. Each person will place the elements of location, price and quality in the order that suits them best. It is important to listen to the arguments of your ticino real estate agent, but be careful, do not let him convince you to follow the standard rules, because there are no rules, it is the buyer who dictates them.

In general, what should be placed first, whether it is location, price or quality, depends on the finances available in relation to the property market and the regional inventory of items for sale. The more money one has, the greater the opportunities for choice and the easier it is to approach a magical win-win.

But let's take a concrete example. Suppose you have a low average budget and a family with two children. Obviously you would like to live where your boss lives and enjoy the comforts of a house designed and built by a renowned architect. This sounds like a dream, not least because you run the risk of your estate agent offering you a small, shabby house in a good location... just to meet two criteria: location and price. But what about quality? Where will your family live, where will you find your comfort, your space. Many people have probably experienced this kind of situation: when you first rented your first flat, your dream was to have a place in a well-known area, such as in Zurich's elegant Seefeld or in the old town, but then you ended up choosing a flat in the suburbs, but with pleasant, liveable spaces. In this case, as is often the case, the price was the deciding factor! In short, you had no choice because your budget was defined in advance. You will therefore understand that the choice criteria are directly influenced by how much money we have available: the more cash we have available, the more we can demand and the easier it will be to satisfy our requests regarding location and quality. This does not mean that the money is wasted, but that it is a safe and long-term investment. For this reason, location is an extremely important factor. The best location of a house is ensured by a better surrounding environment, an amazing view, more privacy, prestigious schools and much more, while quality, at certain levels, must be a must. It is difficult to define exactly where the top end of the market is, because in some regions an investment of CHF 2 million can already indicate an elite home, while in other areas it starts at CHF 3.5 million. In any case, remember that no matter where you are, you should always demand quality in design, materials and construction, as well as an exclusive location. Unfortunately, we have seen many times large multi-million dollar houses aging on the market, with an exceptional location (which put them in the high price range), but which did not meet the quality and price criteria. The house you choose should be able to make you proud, to reflect your tastes, your lifestyle, to make you feel fulfilled and happy. If you are looking for your dream home, start thinking now about the order in which you would put location, price and quality and never lose sight of them!


Luxury Real Estate for sale in Ticino, Switzerland

Riva Antonio Caccia 3
CH-6900 Lugano

Via Antonio Ciseri 13A
CH-6600 Locarno

Via Monte Verità 1
CH-6612 Ascona
[email protected]

+41(0)91 601 04 40

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