Anniversaries are always important moments for a company and, inevitably, they are accompanied by food for thought. It is an opportunity to analyze the past, the present, but above all to look to the future. The decision to give the floor to the three owners of Wetag Consulting is not accidental: Ueli Schnorf is the historical mind, Philipp Peter the present, while Iradj Alexander David the future.
«The name Wetag is not exotic, but it was chosen by the first two owners, it is a fusion of their surnames. In any case, I would like to remind you that Wetag in 1973 was not a real estate company, but was involved in construction, including important ones. Then, I won't go into details, although things went swimmingly, misunderstandings between the old partners led the company to ruin. When I arrived in their old dusty office, I remember that there were some leather chairs, a table, an old Subaru in the garage and… debts in the bank (smiles). So I looked into the eyes of my partner at the time, Peter Albrecht, a look of understanding and after a shared reflection we decided to buy Wetag. We didn't have any real estate experience, we worked in architecture and thought we would continue in Ticino in the renovation sector. Then, as often happens in life (smiles), an unexpected sale of a small apartment somehow enlightened us and, from there, we realized that there was great potential on the market. It was an intense period, we worked a lot, Brigitte Ebner was also with us, still at Wetag and now Accounting Manager. We were determined and at the forefront. We bankrupted the old Wetag to protect ourselves from any unpaid debts, I moved from Zurich to Ticino – I used to commute from Zurich and still dreamed of becoming a musician (amused tone) – and, as mentioned, we gave our best our. It must also be said that Peter, at that time, was already very knowledgeable in computers and therefore created a database and an Internet site that no one had yet. Even our flyers, our attitude was completely different from the habits of Ticino salesmen, who very often didn't even speak other languages well. Gradually we noticed that other companies in the sector were copying us as well, confirmation that we were making a difference, the right choice. But you know what? I have never been a financially ambitious person, I had and have an artistic, creative spirit, today I sincerely admit that I am satisfied with what I have created, with everything I have learned; I am a professional in my sector, a sector that I can say I know extremely well. Wetag's strength has always been this: the professionalism linked to the passion for the work we do, Wetag's strength is not only in the numbers, it is contained in its staff, a team that has strengthened over the years exactly like the company. You asked me if I'm proud of myself... I replied that I'm very proud of the club (excited) ».
«I immediately liked the story of Wetag. When I met Ueli for the first time, I immediately realized his great professionalism and above all his experience in the luxury market, extreme luxury. When I was asked to join Wetag, I was aware that it was a big challenge and I must honestly say that I was surprised by the trust that Ueli, knowing me little, gave me. Out of the blue I found myself with the keys to the Lugano office in my hand. And do you know what Ueli told me? Simply: “You know what you have to do”, we are talking about almost ten years ago, when Wetag was above all known in the Locarno area. So I started with a secretary, who was also involved in sales. We had to fight because the competition was great and I had to win the trust of clients, banks, lawyers, notaries, trustees... because in the eyes of many I was a pilot, a good one, but a car pilot. My contacts, my perseverance and my passion for this job which conquered me, were the key to success in Lugano. Today I can proudly say that Wetag is the leader of the luxury real estate market in Ticino».
«It's difficult to arrive after Ueli and Philipp, I fully share their vision of Wetag and I feel equally passionate and ready to take on the challenges of the coming years. Wetag will certainly face the future with the same spirit and grit with which he faced the first 50 years. In fact, there are characteristics that are rooted in its DNA, such as the constant desire and need to be updated and to be at the forefront of what we do, the ability to dynamically adapt and adapt to the continuous evolution and change of the real estate market and the constant need to always be able to improve. These qualities allow our company to face the future in a prepared and serene way. From my point of view, these are characteristics that are essential for success, not only financially, but also in terms of customer relations: we work for them. I have repeatedly thought about what has been achieved in these 50 years, Ueli has created a solid and consolidated company, Philipp - with his arrival - has managed to further strengthen and expand this company, my task now is to continue working in this direction, without ever losing sight of Wetag's values».
Luxury Real Estate for sale in Ticino, Switzerland
Riva Antonio Caccia 3
CH-6900 Lugano
Via Antonio Ciseri 13A
CH-6600 Locarno
Via Monte Verità 1
CH-6612 Ascona
[email protected]
+41(0)91 601 04 40